The Laser Clinic Blog

7th Jun 2023

Should Guys Get Laser Hair Removal?

Is Laser Hair Removal for Men?

We say absolutely!

Professional laser hair removal for men is all the rage! One of the best benefits is the ability to achieve permanent results as the laser energy targets the hair follicles to destroy the hair to prevent growth, reducing the need for regular hair removal so it is a real time-saver and let’s face it we could all do with some extra time on our hands! We use the latest Lynton Lasers Ltd technology and treatment is pain-free and can be performed on any body area including the back, chest, legs, and arms. This can save so much effort compared to traditional hair removal methods, which require regular maintenance but what’s more, it improves the overall appearance of the skin by reducing ingrown hairs, razor burn, and other skin irritations.

What are you waiting for? If you’re considering laser hair removal, you should consult with an experienced clinician like us here at The Laser Clinic Morpeth which is very private and relaxing.
Or maybe your hubby or partner is feeling a little too furry why not treat him to a treatment – we sell gift vouchers! You can be a smooth, sophisticated & sexy modern-day man book via our online booking system.

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or call: 07783 376 702 or email:

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The Cottage,
Newton Redhouse,
NE61 3QW

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